Try This:
Click on the "Legend Info" button at the top of the Legend area. In the pop-up box, scroll down to “Legend Description” for more details about the symbols.
- Close the Legend Info pop-up box to return to the map.
- On the DATA SELECT toolbar, click on
the Query button to open the Query box.
- For this exercise, accept the default entries “Conservative” and “Daily” and Submit Query.
Notice ...
- A table box opens, listing 25 Conservative daily newspapers published
in Canada in 1891. (Click on “More Records” to get the full list of 37.)
- Highlighted dots on the map identify the locations
of the selected newspapers.
- Québec has far fewer Conservative newspapers, and smaller
circulation, than does Ontario, in 1891.
- Extensive detail is available about Canadian newspapers in 1891.
- Québec and Ontario politics are quite polarized,
if newspapers are the measure.